Project and Space Requests
The Space Committee serves as an advisory committee to the Vice President of Operations (VP Ops) group and makes recommendations on the best use of campus facilities and space to attain the mission and goals of the university. The committee oversees major facility projects on the campus as they relate to changes in the assignment of space, how the space is used, or modifications that will alter the current use or occupancy of the area. All University of Evansville facilities, whether owned or leased, are assigned and their use monitored by the Space Committee. These facilities are subject to reassignment by the committee in order to best serve the needs of the university. The committee meets on the second Friday of each month to review requests.
- Space Committee has members from the following positions:
- Executive Director of Facilities Management and Planning (Chair)
- Executive Vice President for Fiscal Affairs and Administration
- Director of Athletics
- University Registrar
- Vice President of Student Affairs/Dean of Students
This procedure applies to all University employees.
Space Request Process
Space requests include new space, reclassification of current space, and major renovations to existing space. Requests must be submitted on the form linked to below and shall be routed to the Department Chair and Dean/Director for approval before being reviewed by the Space Committee. After signing, the form will be emailed to the Space Planning Committee Chair for evaluation.
Project Initiation Request Space Initiation Request
Before completing the form, please be prepared to answer the following questions (if applicable). Note that you may attach a document if you prefer.
- A detailed description of the project or request.
- Where department/project is currently located and why it needs to move, change classification, or need renovations?
- Detailed space requirements – occupants, power, data, fume hood, etc (i.e., 2 offices for full-time staff, 1 office for a Director, 2 workstations for 5 students/GA's, etc.).
- If this space is for a new hire, was this space need included in the hiring request?
- Location requirements/preferences. Please explain if the project, activity or service function must be located in a specific building/area.
- When is the space needed?
- What options have been considered within the Division and Department's current allocated space? Explain in detail why these are not suitable for this request.
- What will happen to the current space?
- If renovations and/or furniture is needed how will this be funded?
- Any additional information that is applicable to the request.
Requests with missing information or approvals will not be considered until all details are provided. The committee will review the requests and either ask for more information or send a recommendation to the appropriate Vice President for final approval. Once initial approvals are received, the Space Committee process should not take any longer than 3 weeks. After approval by the Space Committee, the requesting group will be notified. If there is substantial work required for the space requested, the Executive Director of Facilities Management and Planning will complete the programming and provide an estimate of cost for relocation and remodeling.
*Note: Furniture (i.e., desks, chairs, bookcases, etc.) does not move with the individual or department when a space request is approved. Requests for movement of furniture will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. If furniture move is approved, the department will be responsible for funding the tear-down and re-installation, and any surplus or disposal fees associated.
The Space Committee does not recommend or approve funding.
Some requests may be required to go through the VP Ops group. These requests will automatically be entered into the process once they receive final Space Committee approval.
If you have any questions about the Space Committee process, please contact the Executive Director of Facilities Management and Planning or one of the representatives on the Space Committee.
Office Phone
812-488-2775Office Location
General Services Building